It’s October & I’m STILL making batches of marmalade!  
This year the season has been kind, and, of course, the tree is so much bigger……The year after we planted it I had enough for one batch & I was SO excited to have made my own Seville Orange Marmalade.  It produced enough for one batch for several years, but now it’s simply prolific!!  
And so, I’ve made enough to sell!  So much fun!!  Even though we ran 2 Marmalade classes & I’ve given lots of fruit away, I think I still have a couple of batches to make.  So let me know if you’d like a jar – I think I’ll take the bulk of them to the Lindesay Christmas Fair where I’m taking a stall this year, but if you’re passing by or coming to one of our days, its stored in the cellar!