Can you imagine my excitement when I picked up an article featuring some delights nearby….to find it contained an image of this perfectly exquisite maze?  How on earth I’ve never discovered it before is beyond my comprehension!  Oh and Larry’s eyes did roll skywards….but we went in search of it nevertheless.  Set in the grounds of Glendurgan, a property owned by the National Trust, we arrived rather late in the day; were told the gates would close at 5.30 and to be sure to be on the garden side of the gate to the beach by 5pm or we’d be locked out!  And that we should probably put any idea of entering the maze out of our minds!  

Hmmmm… we raced along the high path, discovered the viewing platform from where I took this image (perched precariously on the fence to get the whole of it in the frame and Larry clinging onto my jeans in case I toppled over the top!).  

Are you as besotted as me? Just look at it… has palm trees for heavens sake!!  We almost ran down the path to the beach gate, peeked outside at a wonderful view of blue waters, green headland and strewn lobster pots then made sure we were back in the garden again before we could catch our breath.  We took the valley path, passing huge clumps of gunnera, wild pink foxgloves and ferns and found ourselves at the entrance of the maze. Would we? Should we?  Of course we couldn’t help ourselves and set off like a couple of naughty children!  It’s an excellent maze and we must have trodden every single path to find our way to the thatched hut in the centre, but we did it – just in the nick of time!

How gloriously vivid and luscious it was……on the side of the valley it resembled a tea plantation. Hard to believe it was laid out in 1833.  It’s absolute magic.  Of course, there is a lot more to Glendurgan Garden than the maze, but we’ll just have to make a return visit at a more leisurely pace another day!